Strategic Insights: Empathy and Employees at the Heart of the Digital Journey

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Strategic Insights: Empathy and Employees at the Heart of the Digital Journey

Next Dimension curates the most practical and useful tools and strategic IT insights from the web.  This week we shared articles across our social media talking about Empathy and Employees at the heart of the Digital Journey.

Keeping the human element at the forefront will determine business success in 2021.

It’s no secret. Digital Transformation morphed into Digital Disruption seemingly overnight.  And, for most businesses, that was the “best” case scenario during the onset of the pandemic.  As we come up on one year since North America faced their first sets of “lockdowns”, Enterpriser’s Project takes a look at five key business terms presenting the perfect mix of Risk and Opportunity – as both need to be addressed.

1. Digital Acceleration.  Enterpriser’s Project cites a study that says companies accelerated their digital strategies by nearly six years!

2. Everything from Home.  Well, everything from anywhere – really. Not just work but schooling, shopping, essential communications and more.

3. High Risk is the New Normal. Moving data to the cloud, moving employees to anywhere there’s an internet connection – these are high risk actions that all businesses had to take and must continuously address.

4. Highly-Distributed Incident Response. Disbanding an antiquated service process has allowed more customers to reach more businesses for more customized incident response by way of chat boxes and 24×7 contact support.

5. Support Human Connections. The skills gap has been closed slightly – when organizations were encouraged to look inward to reskill and upskill their workforce.

Will this result in better employee Loyalty?  How are you managing each of these five key areas?


Want to improve your ROI with Digital Transformation? Improve how your employees interact with technology.

Enterpriser’s Project believes Empathy must be built into processes for organizations to remain competitive.  How is this accomplished?  Businesses must carefully review, consider, and measure how customers and users interact with the products and services offered, and more importantly, the team you employ.  Here are four techniques to build Empathy into your business process:

1. Cultivate obsession with user-centricity

2. Over-index design skills

3. Make it easy

4. Measure adoption

Digital Adoption is the secret sauce – and defining ways to measure adoption will give you a clear indicator on how successful your organization is a building empathy not only into your process, but into your culture.


Organizations with digital leadership outperform peers by 48% on revenue growth. Yet, only 1 in 4 CEO’s are considered digitally savvy. Where do you land?

“Businesses will become irrelevant if decision makers are unaware of how technology fits into their strategy”.

Read that again.

Organizations can no longer afford to adopt technology to assist them in “doing things the way they’ve always done them”.  The time for change is now.  Nimble, agile businesses and fresh startups alike are winning in business because they are carefully reviewing technology and using what they learn to define their business strategy – not the other way around.

The good news is, you don’t have to flip your leadership team in order to have digital savvy leaders in your boardroom.  All you need is a room full of open minds, willing to investigate the true needs of employees, suppliers, and customers. From there, if you’re willing to hear it, you’ll likely find out which true changes need to be addressed.  Then your organization can select from the many technology innovations to support the changes.

Beware: just because the notion is simple, doesn’t mean this will be easy!


CX demands swift service and customization, making service delivery complex. Do you use Analytics to solve complexity? 

How do you measure the success of your technology implementations?  How do you REALLY know if your employees, suppliers, and customers have truly adopted your innovations?


What are your key performance indicators with regards to customer satisfaction?  Revenue?  Supply chain management?  Employee adoption?  Define what you want to measure, and then look to industry experts to help you define exactly how to effectively measure and analyze.


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