Strategic Insights: Digital Challenges & Security Gaps

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Strategic Insights: Digital Challenges & Security Gaps

Next Dimension curates the most practical and useful tools and strategic IT insights from the web.  This week we shared articles across our social media talking about Digital Challenges & Security Gaps.

Is your bigger challenge Legacy Vulnerabilities or Security Skills Shortage?

Security Patching is a full time, around-the-clock, skillset that must be mastered.  Gone are the days of occasional patches.  Now, there are updates protecting vulnerabilities at the edge, on the servers, on endpoints, and at access points.  Patch scheduling must be prioritized to ensure the most vulnerable are completed first.  The most used devices are not likely your biggest vulnerability.  Consider the legacy infrastructure that has had long-known vulnerabilities that are sitting within your network.

Cyber criminals only need an entry point – and these remain the biggest gaps and ultimately the biggest threats.

Prioritizing your patch management schedule by not only importance of device, but also length of known vulnerabilities should assist in taking a balanced approach.


As the Digital Leader, do you lead while building trust?

Forbes asked a great question: Would you like to be a Trustworthy Leader or a Strong one?

They asked the question testing whether or not each could even be mutually exclusive.  The article then dove into the notion of the “Trust Quotient”.  According to Charles Green, in his book “The Trusted Advisor”, the trust quotient is comprised of four elements:


As the first three go up, so does the TQ of the leader.  However, the TQ goes down if and when the Leader focuses solely on self.

Another interesting question posed was: Does the leader need to provide more transparency to be more of a trusted leader?  Forbes says no. If a leader has a high TQ, full transparency isn’t required.


Here’s how to figure out the weakest link in your cybersecurity defense strategy: 

CEOs are responsible for the overall success and wellbeing of the organization.  CEOs lead by adding quality depth of talent to manage critical aspects of the business, and cybersecurity is not different.  In fact, Cybersecurity may be the most critical component in the business.  Even still, CEOs should keep an eye on these five areas and ask their Security Officers about these elements often:

Risk Management – What is our current risk tolerance? What is our RPO/RTO?
Privacy Regulations – Are we operating under the latest privacy regulations? Which new regulations are coming into effect?
Compliance – are we in compliance of security standards? Can we prove that we are operating as securely as required?
Treating the Reputation Damage – When we do get compromised, do we have a reputation plan? Is it current?
Protecting the Supply Chain – Can we confidently tell suppliers and customers that we’re doing all we can to protect sensitive data and communication tunnels?

Asking these questions will help CEOs ensure their Security Officers are continuously delivering on new information and trends.


The clash of IoT and WFH on your Infrastructure

Many companies have continued to forge ahead with IoT initiatives, even with WFH thrust upon them.  How is your network and infrastructure managing simultaneous transitions?  Have you considered the added security vulnerabilities?  Have you completed the security-threat-trifecta of also migrating data to the cloud for the first time?  These are the top areas of cybersecurity concern heading into 2021.

With all these high profile issues, don’t forget about something as simple as the work-issued laptop on the same network as a personal Ring* Doorbell.


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