Ransomware Series

Fighting Back Against Ransomware

Fighting Back Against Ransomware Ransomware attacks happen. It’s not a matter of if, but when. As long as cybercriminals believe your data has value, they’ll continue to exploit vulnerabilities and find innovative ways to encrypt critical data. We need to protect ourselves, our businesses, our revenue, our reputation – and most importantly we need to…

Ransomware Series

The Rise of Ransomware

Combating the Rise of Ransomware The rise of Ransomware.  It’s one of the fastest-growing cyber threats, according to research from Cybersecurity Ventures, a new organization fell victim to ransomware every 11 seconds in 2021.  It continues to be an extremely lucrative business, and as long as there is money to be made and accessible data…

strategic IT insights from the week

Strategic Insights: Securing and Prioritizing Operational Technology

Strategic Insights: Securing and Prioritizing Operational Technology Next Dimension curates the most practical and useful tools and strategic IT insights from the web.  This week we shared articles across our social media talking about Securing and Prioritizing Operational Technology. 41% of ransomware attacks targeted Operational Technology last year. Visibility of internal traffic is crucial. IT…

Curated Digital Leadership Lists

Curated Digital Leadership Lists Next Dimension curates the most practical and useful tools and strategic IT insights from the web.  This week we shared articles across our social media talking about Digital Leadership Lists. With 2020 in the rearview, here’s 7 key factors to reassess for your digital transformation plans in 2021: The Enterpriser’s Project…